SB 727, a bill introduced by Sen. Ralph Hise (R-Avery, Haywood, Madison, McDowell, Mitchell and Yancey) to end payroll deductions for public school and retired public school employees passed the Senate Rules Committee yesterday on a party-line 7 to 5 vote.
Not surprisingly, the action sent North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE) into hysterics. NCAE’s Daily Political Briefing accused Republican legislators of trying to “silence” teachers.
Really? I guess union members had no voice prior to payroll deduction. Since when did payroll deduction achieve such lofty status?
My only disagreement with the bill is that it doesn’t eliminate payroll deductions for all groups. Why should government make any special exceptions? If someone supports an organization or a cause, fine. Let them find a way to support it financially. There is no compelling reason why state government should be administratively involved in furthering the efforts of individual organizations.
Get your facts straight…NCAE is NOT a union!!!
Fine, NCAE is NOT a union, SEANC is NOT a union, but SEIU which is a driving force in both of these non-union organizations IS a union. If you want to go to the Rotary (substitute whatever organization you want here) meetings you send in your dues, your employer does not collect them and disburse them at state taxpayers expense, enough said….
In order to join NCAE you are required to also join the NEA which is the national teachers union.