Representative Bill Faison (D-durham) was once again making what appeared to be almost a campaign pitch at an event he organized as the General Assembly began a one-day special session. There is talk Faison is positioning himself to run against Gov. Bev Perdue in the primary if the opportunity presents itself. Faison is pushing a plan to bring back 70 percent of a penny sales tax that expired to re-hire state employees. At a meeting of the Democratic Business Caucus, called by Faison, chief organizer of the OccupyRaleigh movement, Stacie Borello, talked about injustices of the economic system. But it was clear the group still didn’t have a solid agenda.
Joseph Huberman continued with his outrage.
Then as Faison, a personal injury attorney, looked on Kurt Zehnder complained about the arrest of protesters at the State Capitol Building when they refused to follow police orders.
While Faison didn’t endorse the group’s issues, the event did tend to give the OccupyRaleigh movement more legitimacy that it has had since moving in on the Capitol grounds.
It appears the media must always determine and assign labels where none exist. Neither Stacey, Joseph nor Kurt are officers or leaders …not even in the most general sense of the word. They are no more leaders of Occupy Raleigh than Hillary Clinton is the leader of the United States. There are at least 20-30 organizers of individual workiing groups. Sorry to be so difficult, but it does make a difference.
…and it doesn’t seem to matter how avidly these ‘leaders’ and ‘organizers’ state their representative-only role. What’s up with that?
This entire thing is a farce. Let’s tell these people to quit living off their parents and Occupy a job! At least they got people that actually took a bath and could speak English to speak for them. Bravo!