Those who protected privacy and safety in North Carolina’s bathroom and locker room in a new law (HB 2) are mounting counterattacks against its critics, showing that many of the attacks are ill-informed or outright fraudulent, and that the law is a legitimate way of protecting people all over the state.
Civitas’ Brian Balfour notes the hypocrisy of the big corporations that have piled on the Old North State. These companies decry inequality, but demand special tax breaks and favors for themselves.
Over at NC Capitol Connection, Matt Caulder has a story about how the top legislators lambasted the leftist agenda behind the attacks:
Senate President Pro-Tem Sen. Phil Berger (R-Rockingham) and House Speaker Rep. Tim Moore (R-Cleveland) issued a joint statement Monday in response to the lawsuit, saying, “While they’ve accused the state of disrespecting local control, the irony is far-left groups like the national ACLU, their out-of-state lawyers and Attorney General Roy Cooper want to use North Carolina as a pawn in their extreme agenda to force women and young girls to welcome grown men into their bathrooms and locker rooms nationwide.
Gov. Pat McCrory launched a video response rejecting activists’ claims. He noted that the “legislation was passed to protect men women and children when they use a public restroom, shower or locker-room. That is an expectation of privacy that must be honored and respected. Instead, North Carolina has been the target of a vicious, nation-wide smear campaign. Disregarding the facts, other politicians, from the White House to mayors and city council members and yes our Attorney General, have initiated and promoted conflict to advance their political agenda.”
Other observers are weighing in, too. The Heritage Foundation’s Ryan Anderson, who was a speaker at our Conservative Leadership Conference, says at the Daily Signal the interference of big corporations is a textbook case of cultural cronyism: “Big business has stomped into another state, trying to impose the values of the cultural left. This time, a governor who dared to stand up for responsible policy is being targeted by big business’ bullying over bathrooms.”
A good summary of the common sense behind the bill can be found at National Review, where Jane Clark Scharl writes: “The people who stand to lose the most if the ACLU gets its way are women and children. Some have had traumatic experiences in restrooms, locker rooms, and similar private spaces. They have suffered sexual and physical assault and then pieced together lives as normal as they could manage. Some were raped in the kinds of spaces that HB2 protects. For them, exposure to a naked person of the opposite biological sex can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder.”
Another writer weighs in with Six Reasons North Carolina Got It Right.
Law makers are going to have to walk this back or really damage the NC economy.
Pinto, best represents the NC citizens, CEO’s of major corporations see in their heads when making the decision to locate high paying, high skilled jobs to NC after reading about NC’s new discrimination laws.
Pinto’s Comments below:
“What you’re saying is NC has spent tens of millions of taxpayer money to attract these major corporations, only to allow the extreme left wing, gaystapo goose-stepper bigots who run those corporations spend it on enabling child molesters. You let crybullies like Dan Savage hype an absolutely retarded, fact-free narrative to bully decent people who are already the target of much blackmail and extortion from Commie-run hate groups like the Anti-Christian Litigation Unit. Why are the child molesters now holding political power in Charlotte determined to govern as genital-mutilating carpet-munching butt-bandit Stalinists? Commie fascism has been a consistent theme of the empty-skulled leftard crybullies, elected by gerrymandering and vote fraud.
We have way too many teachers molesting their students in schools because enrollment of sexual predators in the NC Universities system is at its highest point in history, with a huge percentage just a few months from invading the government brainwashing centers so euphemistically referred to as schools. Our people better figure out how to walk this child abuse back by driving out these parasites and child molesters seeking to indoctrinate our children with the gaystapo’s fascism, bigotry and lies. Government under you Stalin-sucking Traitorcrats was a total catastrophe. Think about what all the current leading Commie candidates for President all favor: crybullying, bathroom banditry, getting child rapists (like Thomas Alfred Taylor) off by slut-shaming their victims (the way Hillary did to his 12-year-old victim), who can tax our remaining productive sectors the hardest (the way Bernie wants to do), who will allow the most criminal illegal alien invaders from South of the border and ISIS-loving Muslim “rapefugees” into our country to harass and rape and murder and abuse our citizens’ human rights (the way they’re doing in Europe right now).
Hell, you rectum-sucking leotards are a blight on all of humanity; we should deport you to North Korea so that you’ll have everything you’re wanting to do to us done to you instead.”
The CEO’s of Lowe’s, Apple, Google, Red Hat and the NBA are hearing “Dueling Banjos” . Great Job McCrory!
I assume a business can choose whatever type of bathroom or locker room they want in their office or store. It is nothing short of blackmail if they choose not to do business in NC due to this law.
Also, if a male is dressed female, who is going to stop them from using a women’s bathroom? If a female is dressed male, who is going to stop them from using the men’s bathroom? Since women’s bathrooms have stalls non would know the difference & I am assuming the female male would use the stall in the men’s room so again who would know the difference? Now, if you have a criminal predator pretending I would hope someone would take action to stop it. A locker room is a different story, I could see where females and or males wouldn’t want to be changing or showering with the opposite sex.
Hard for me to believe this is such an issue when we have so many other issues in our world.
It’s a pandering political issue. There is as you say no way to enforce such a law but hyping fear, hate and misinformation against the LBGT community is good conservative politic for the fall elections. Sure it’s unconstitutional, sure it will cost NC’s economy, sure it will cost taxpayer’s legal fees and tax revenue but Civitas Institute is only interested in political power.
Lonnie… just won’t let up with your ignorance. Do you troll everywhere? At this point you can be my guest and take it as a personal attack…anyone that would side with the original version of that law is either acutely mentally challenged or they have no compass at all…With you, I suspect it’s both…I made my substantive case as others have on the original article that NCCVITAS published on this…anyone that can’t see the problems with this law and the nonsense economic argument suffers with the same afflictions..This state should feel fortunate to have a legislature and governor willing face the contrived storm from the Saul Alinsky gang…and that’s exactly what it is!….Roy Cooper, bad play….good thing you still have your law liscence because you won’t be moving in the governors mansion in NC…..
This is what happens when you pass these stupid laws.We need to let all these companies like Lowe’s see this.Personally,I will never spend another dime at Lowe’s.
Stand firm, NC.
I would add liberal political pandering of fear, hate & misinformation about conservatives.
Transgenderism is a form of mental illness. No one in their right mind mutilates their body in an attempt to become something they are not.
Your expertise on this subject is based on???
Common sense and the molester in Toronto.Plus sickos like you are supporters of these freaks.
Old Lonnie can’t figure out how to lie his way out of the Toronto article.This article needs to be sent to the CEO of every one of these Corporations that are attacking North Carolina.All polls show the people of this country support North Carolina and not these Corporations.
Here’s a little summary of why Leftard Lonnie and all of the rest of the bathroom bandits deserve the same kind (and amount) of respect as neo-Nazis, KKK members, child molesters, and that sticky stuff that’s difficult to scrape from between the cracks of your shoes.
The writer of Charlotte’s ordnance is a sex offender:
Leftards would love to do to N.C. what they’ve done to Seattle:
Toronto: another place eager to enable sex offenders through tranny privilege laws!
Just keep citing these irrefutable realities of the situation to any bathroom bandit who comes on here hypocritically squawking about some supposed “right” they have to impose their sick perversions on the rest of us, and watch those fascists’ rectums get shredded by the shrapnel from fragments of their empty skulls.
Hey, fascist C.E.O. goose-steppers “threatening” to leave North Carolina for not pandering to your perversions, why don’t you move to Chicago? From what I hear, that’s what the mayor of that socialist cesspit is inviting you to do. Feel free to go live in one of the most bankrupt crime-riddled hellholes in the country.
Just don’t expect any sympathy when the parasites there rape you in the bank account and then drag you down into bankruptcy with them. It couldn’t happen to nicer bullies than you. My only regret is that it isn’t the mayor of Detroit who has the chutzpah to invite you to your richly-deserved financial ravishing.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities ”
That is a real little gem you came up with,Lonnie.That explains and forgives what that rapist freak in Toronto did.
Your false narrative, using one or two incidents like the one in Toronto to dehumanize millions of law abiding citizens, depriving them of their full citizenship right and to attempt to humiliate them for political purposes is just what Hitler did with Jews and other minorities. We’ve seen the same behavior here in America during the JIM Crow Era.
Back on Jim Crow.These freaks dehumanize themselves.Them walking in on my wife or daughters in a bathroom is not their rights.Hilter would have killed these people just like your Muslim buddies do.So,don’t equate conservatives with Hitler because they believe you have a right to privacy in a bathroom.This is really good because all the polls show huge number of people are against this and it will just make a bigger turnout in Nov.against you deviates.
Define ” These freaks ” and why you are entitled to greater citizenship rights?
Keep in mind one of your grandchildren may now or in the future be among those you dehumanize.
I’am not asking for rights.They can look in their pants and go to the bathroom that matches what’s in their pants.I go into the bathroom I’am supposed to,so what are my special rights?The only ones that are dehumanized are the women these freaks rape.You can argue this forever and it won’t change the fact that a huge majority of people agree with me.I hope the Democrats keep making an issue of it,because it will kill them in November.So keep it up,Lonnie.
This comes down to an interesting and important question.
Every male organization is under attack by radical liberal females. Men’s golf is no longer mens golf. Because the name doesn’t say ‘men only’, it must allow women. Women’s golf specifically has women in the name. Men are not allowed to have men-only smoke rooms. Cuz it discriminates against those who don’t have a penis – women, for you lefties from CA who don’t know what that means.
But, when the women only workout gym was taken to court, the court agreed that women MUST be allowed to have their own workout gym so they are not intimidated by having men around who MIGHT gawk at them. So, women only organizations, perfectly legal and protected. Men only organizations illegal and must be destroyed.
Now comes along the mentally deficient gay nazis. They insist that men MUST be allowed in the women’s rooms – toilet and shower. Women must be allowed in the men’s rooms – toilet and shower. So, keep men OUT of the gym where women work out, but FORCE women to shower with men in the same gym? How can you keep the men out of the gym if the law allows them to be in the shower?
And, why is it legal to have a women only gym but not a women only bathroom or shower?
See, liberalism truly is a mental disorder. How can we be sure? Cuz some lib is going to try to have this situation make sense, provide some explanation. But, just read what that lib types and you too will soon realize that in order to continue to be a lib, you must stop thinking logically. Perhaps altogether.
How will this state be better off if libs win back the legislature? Higher taxes. Bigger budgets. More gay-ness forced down the throats of normal people. More gov’t give-away programs to support the chosen groups. More of everything that does NOT stimulate the economy or improve the lives of the majority of citizens. Perhaps even more illegal aliens being invited to move to our state. Cuz hiring an illegal alien actually INCREASES paychecks for all. Kinda like unemployment benefits and food stamps improve the economy. So are we better off with libs? Hardly! Same old schemes. Same old tricks. Same old, tired, worn-out policies that don’t improve anything for anyone.
Do you understand Republicans hold the majority in both House and Senate and until the death of Scelia the US Supreme Court was majority Republican appointees. Most Governors are conservative Republicans as are most state legislatures.
Beyond that I don’t what you want a free society to look like? What period in history do you want to take the country back to? McCarthey? Jim Crow? Slavery? Robber Baron?
Lonnie. WOW! You truly have a warped sense of logic. Or none. You go from libs doing everything wrong to slavery, robber barons, and more good stuff.
What is it that libs are pushing us toward? More like dragging, forcing us toward. Cuz when libs can’t win in the legislature, they go to the courts to force their schemes down our throats. Libs pit groups of people against each other. Those of us who believe in the US Constitution believe in every single person’s freedom, every single person’s ability to provide for themselves and their families. We believe it is our individual responsibility to take care of each other, not the gov’t forcing us to take care of each other. We believe that the Commerce clause protects people who CHOOSE to participate in the market. It was the central planner socialists, with the desire to force socialized medicine upon us, that corrupted the commerce clause to say that they could force everyone to participate in a specific market, and then they would provide protections for us. A complete bastardization of the Commerce clause.
Then they lied to us that the penalty for not participating in a specific market would be a fine and not a tax. But when it came before SCOTUS, suddenly the fine was unconstitutional so they claimed it was a tax.
Is this what you want for us? Is socialism something you believe is better than what we’ve had. Yes, slavery was a bad part of history. No attempt to make excuses. But it was accepted in the world of that day, and had been for an extremely long period. And let’s not forget, it was the Demoncrat party, including Algore’s dad, that tried desperately to stop equal rights for blacks. Is this what YOU want to go back to?
Why is creating a special protection for lgbt people, while at the same time destroying protections for the rest of us, a good thing, a logical thing, and something to be celebrated? Why is it that more laws need to be created to separate people into groups? What advantage is there for socialists/central planners/demoncrats to constantly divide people into sub-groups instead of attempting to unite people? Why is it that socialists, those who love people, want to penalize those who are financially successful? Why would anyone then attempt to become financially successful? If the gov’t is going to take the majority of my earnings cuz it makes you socialists feel good, the dividers among us feel good, then what happens to your grandiose plans when I stop trying to achieve so much? Think about the cigarette problem created by those loving, kindly, ‘for the children’ libs. They want to tax the heck out of cigarettes to encourage people to stop smoking. And the extra tax money taken in from the exorbitant tax will then be used for children’s programs, such as universal health care for children under 18 (or the new 18, which is redefined by libs to 26!). If the tax is to encourage people to stop paying the tax (ie stop buying cigarettes), then where’s the money going to come from to pay for the new ‘children’s’ programs? See, libs don’t think through an issue completely! Which is my problem with liberalism and socialism. Both failures in comparison to freedom and conservatism.
Do I wish to go back to slavery. Since I have the ability to think, the obvious, logical answer is no. Do I want to go back to the days before demoncrats were forced to allow equal rights? Nope. That was and remains a lib/demoncrat desire. Do I wish to stop creating conflicting sub-groups? Yes. Do I want people to allow me to disagree with the current White House occupier without being called a racist? Yes. Do I want the current occupier to refer to white people without using the word ‘stupid’? Yes. Do I want politicians to actually do their jobs and interfere less in my day-to-day life? Yes. Do I want ALL politicians to abide by the state and national Constitutions? Yes. Do I expect to get any of this from either Billary or Bernie? Absolutely not! She’s a liar; he’s a devout socialist. Do I trust the Donald? Nope. Do I support Cruz? Yes, he’s a Constitutionalist more than any other candidate in recent years. Do I support any politician who believes in central planning? No. Does our Constitution support or allow central planning? No.
Old Lonnie says two rape incidents,what’s the big deal?Now that’s the real liberal Democrat.Not the one Lonnie talks about.Kindness,justice,public good.The Democrat has become a collection of misfits and racists like Ostupid,Al(l don’t pay no taxes) Sharpton,Jesse Jackson and several others.I expect their next crusade will be it’s o.k. To have sex with animals.What is the public good and justice for the rape victims?Where is the kindness for them?I’am sure they would be blamed for being too sexy by being naked while taking a shower.
You fascist freaks and your false narrative have lost, Lonnie. Now tuck your tail between your legs and bugger off. Maybe the illegal aliens running California could use you as another catamite in their brothels; of course, you won’t be getting minimum wage…
Lonnie is a prime illustration of how the lunatic fringe..a small and very disturbed segment of the population controls the narrative…and we’re stupid enough to let them…that’s how we got to this place…good people…rational people, hoping that common sense and goodness would win out on its own…without confrontation….guess what…it doesn’t work that way….these disturbed people have to be stopped from forcing this evil farce forced upon under the guise of kindness, love and inclusion…lastly “Lonnie”…you know what Scott bases his expertise on…Common sense, natural law…having an internal compass…take your “Rules for Radicals” and use it for toilet paper!
Civitas Institute’s mission is purely ideological, not jobs for NC, not justice, not NC’s economy, not humanity, not freedom. Civitas Institute is an extreme authorterian propaganda mill. The irreational cult like anger, bigotry and false narrative from the above posters represents today’s conservative base, resurrected from the embers of the JIM Crow era politics.
Less than 16 businesses have supported recent action by the puppet government of NC. Major corporations Pepico just sent a letter condemning such backwards discrimination. Jobs, customers and state revenue will be lost if sanity doesn’t prevail.
Broken record.You left out Oligarch.
Equating racism and hatred of blacks of the Jim Crow era, the refusal by the democrat party to pass equal rights legislation, with preventing special treatment of lgbt people is hysterical, outrageous, and pointless. There is no equivalency between racism and allowing guys into womens restrooms or showers. To constantly attempt to make equivalency shows the lack of logic, intelligence, and prudence in the argument that says there should be no privacy in public restrooms or showers.
No lib, no lgbt person, no supporter of this outrage has been able to explain 1 simple thing. Women can claim sexual harassment at the drop of a hat. If I tell an off-color joke in mixed company, any woman who hears me can file a sexual harassment lawsuit, force the company we work for to send me and any other man in the room to ‘sensitivity’ training. If I comment about a woman’s hair or shoes, and she decides it was unwelcome, she can file a hostile work environment lawsuit against me, the company, and force all men at said company to attend ‘sensitivity’ retraining classes. If I look at a woman in a way that she considers or decides is not appropriate, she can file a lawsuit, claim hostile environment, and send every man in the facility to ‘sensitivity’ retraining.
However, if I self-identify as a black woman, and choose to use the women’s bathroom at work, every woman in the place has to simply accept it? Again, if I self-identify as a black female, and use the workout room that is provided at the office, then choose to use the women’s ‘locker room’ shower, every woman in the place has to simply accept it? Will there REALLY not be a sexual harassment lawsuit? Will there really not be a hostile work environment lawsuit? Will every man in the company not be forced to attend ‘sensitivity’ retraining? Really! REALLY!? I might be a white, Christian, conservative male, but I’m not nearly as stupid as you expect I am. The stupid part is anyone who believes that allowing opposite sexes to use the same facilities without repercussions. It’s really stupid to assume that nothing nefarious is going to happen.
So, those who refuse to accept common sense, and the Lonnie’s of the world: get out of the Jim Crow era. Race relations are worse because of the race pimps and current White House occupier than anything having to do with conservatism or Christianity. The lefts refusal to accept that black people can survive and thrive on their own, without the interference of libs, is their form of racism, and has nothing to do with conservatives. I took my head out of the sand a long time ago when it comes to legalizing marijuana, accepting lgbt people, and knowing that blacks are NOT incapable just because they are black. It’s the libs out there that insist blacks need help cuz blacks are can’t make it on their own! It’s libs that choose to separate people into conflicting sub groups. Divide and conquer! How would the Charlotte ordinance bring people together? How would it unite anyone? What harm could it bring? How much harm is acceptable just so an extremely small minority is comfortable? How much of a problem does bathroom use need to be for confused self-identifiers before the entire nation has to bow down to them? How big a problem can you lefties show that this is that it’s necessary for such drastic and illogical action? Care to show any stats? Of course not. Didn’t think so. Ain’t holding my breath!
Actions by wealthy individuals, funding propaganda and lobby groups like ALEC and Civitas Institute to spread false narratives, fear and scapegoating those on the margins for their personal gains is where the Jim Crow and Facist comparsion come into play. Southern slave states have been gerrymandered, voter supression is rampant and elections are bought. Wages can be depressed if workers can be divided with religion, scapegoats and bigotry. The plutrocrats get a government they control for their benefit if working people fight over petty issues hyped for the benefit of the plutocrats.
Actions by wealthy individuals like George Soros and Tom Steyer, funding hate propaganda and child-abusing hate groups like PFLAG and GLSEN to spread false narratives, fear and scapegoating those in the mainstream for their personal gains is where the comparisons of you bathroom bandits to fascist thugs and goose-steppers come into play. Southern states have been gerrymandered with racist leftard districts, leftard-promoted vote fraud and illegal alien voting is rampant, and elections are stolen by leftard traitors. Wage slaves can be even more easily oppressed if the fascist left can enforce its climate cultism, scapegoating of conservatives, and bigotry against the entire human race with oppressive regulations like the Charlotte bathroom ordinance. The Demonrats get a government they control for their benefit if working people have to fight leftard lunatics like you all the time for their right to keep voyeurs and rapists out of their bathrooms.
Remember, folks, if you see something, don’t say anything!
Let’s face it: leftards are bigoted against reality.
More than 300 small businesses support HB2:
Hey, Lonnie, your false narrative is showing again!
Yup, pretend that left-wing radical socialists don’t contribute in big ways to the demoncrat party. Pretend that union workers aren’t having their money stolen from them by union thugs for the purpose of buying demoncrat politicians. Blame it all on those wealthy, white, guys who believe that blacks are inferior. Oh, wait. It’s the left-wing radicals in the demoncrat party who look first at skin color in order to conclude whether someone needs their loving kindness to get through life.
And, by the way, insuring that everyone identifies themselves in order to cast a vote is NOT voter suppression. Need proof? If you truly are a lib as your posts indicate, even providing proof is pointless. Look at the stats where voter ID has been required already. More votes cast AFTER voter ID requirements than before. How’s that for suppressing voters!? Didn’t work as well as those rich white guys wanted it to, did it? And, if you need more proof, look at what the demoncrats are doing: preventing voter ID so that illegal aliens can vote, attempting to pass laws that allow illegal aliens to vote if they’ve been here long enough without actually being a citizen, and telling everyone that blacks simply are not capable of identifying themselves in order to get a FREE picture ID issued by the state! Demoncrats also want to promote illegal aliens. Say it’s good for the economy. Except what it really does is drive down wages for ALL Americans. But it also adds to the burden in our public schools because the illegal aliens refuse to have their kids learn English (not all, but too many), need to provide special assistance for these kids, and their parents aren’t paying the same taxes as real Americans on top of getting government benefits from demoncrat pols. There is NOTHING good to come from allowing illegal aliens to act like citizens, get benefits like citizens, take jobs from real citizens, and drive down wages of real citizens.
So, if you want to point a finger at who is really destroying our nation, look no further than the Demoncrat party. How else do you explain Bernie? And if Billary weren’t a demoncrat, she would have been indicted by now. And you know it. Not only does Hill lie more often than Bill ever did, she is absolutely terrible at it. With Bill you really wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, knowing all along he was looking you in the eye while telling you fabulous lies. With Hill, as soon as she starts to whine (her normal voice), you KNOW she’s telling lies and you don’t even want to give her the benefit of anything, especially doubt.
So, want to go on about us mean, racist, Christian, conservative white guys? Or have you finally decided it’s time to look in the mirror?
Freedom is always more successful and fair than any other form of government. And everything is more available at a better price under freedom!
Norm,You make entirely too much sense.Lonnie won’t answer because he knows you are correct.He will come back with Oligarch,Authoritians,Plutocrats,false narratives,scapegoating,Jim Crow,Facist,and my personal favorite gerrymandering.Like the Demoturds haven’t been gerrymandering since the first election.It’s the rich people’s fault that he’s a loser.If we just took 90% of the rich people’s money we could spend more and make the deficit double or even better,we could triple it in the next Democrats administration.
Conservative women are labeled “puppets of the patriarchy” and “gender traitors.” Conservative blacks are “Uncle Tom,” “house Negro” or “SAMBO,” a white person trapped inside a black body.This is just a few things where the left shows how tolerant they are,and how they believe in free speech.The left are all for civil rights as long as it’s not the rights of anyone they don’t agree with.
The politics you support are not that of a Free Society. The rants you make are that of propaganda designed to deliver, simple solutions to complex problems. All of your villains are those on the margins, without wealth or political power targeted with half truths and out right lies.
Unions are the only voice wage earning workers have at the table of free market prosperity, without an equal voice workers must circle the table of Capitalism for scrapes.
There was never a problem to be solved with voter ID laws only long lines to be created in non conservative voting prescients. When voters turn out Democrats win, low voter participation Republicans win.
Conservatives will not win the current immagration political debate and the longer it’s an unsolved political issue the greater the political price for Republicans in the future. It’s insane to think you can round up 12 million undocumented residents with close family members who are voting American citizens. Those demonized hotel maids, roofers, restaurant workers and nursing home care givers have children, silblings, spouses, cousins, fellow employees and friends who will hate Republicans for this injustice. Imagine in the near future one of these brown skinned workers without legal status will be the person responsible for bring your food and cleaning your butt when you can’t .
The perfect thing to happen would be like Ike.Ike sent back millions of Illegal Latinos.So,it can be done.If Trump could send them back and send you and your pervert buddies with them it would be a perfect country.
Your political solution desire has historical context, governments with totalitarian dictatorship often think along those lines.
Your delusional leftard ravings have plenty of historical context; other brainwashed followers of totalitarian dictatorships often “think” along the same lines as you.
You must like totalitarian dictatorship,you voted for old Ostupid twice.He has destroyed this country by his executive order spending.You never make a comment about that Muslim Communist running the debt to 20 Trillion dollars.You must agree with it.You are dumb enough to think you can spend a Trillion more a year than you take in.If you take 90% of everybody that has a job you can’t afford the spending that idiot has done.If you want factual proof,get off your welfare sucking duff and look,it up.
You and your pervert buddies hate this country so much why don’t you pack up and walk across that open Southern border that you are all for.I am sure the Mexican government would give you everything the Democrats have given the ones that came across our border.Open borders should be two way right?Ha!
“Ostupid” Are you a third grader?
You should know Bush, Reagan and Clinton used exsecutive orders for more than President Obama but of course they were white presidents.
You should also know both unfinished Bush wars came with the office of President as did the Bush Tax cuts.
Republican refuse to close GITMO and move remaining detainees to US prisons, reducing both their propaganda value and cost of detainment from $2,000,000 per prisoner to about $60,000 per prisoner.
My fellow Liberals love the ideals of an America with liberty and justice for All. We believe government should work for all citizens, invest in citizens with education, job training, transportation, professional, good, honest police, healthcare and daycare.
I’m not sure who you consider real American.
Are you a first grader?Ostupid is turning all those murdering Muslims loose in Gitmo.The ones he has already turned loose have killed our military.We still have our soldiers in the same war that you call Bush’s war.When does it become Ostupid’s war?I don’t have time to type the executive orders Ostupid has done.The ones bush did were mostly to keep this country safe.No so with Ostupid.You say government should work for all Americans.That is a total lie.You want government to work for every pervert like you and every lazy bum,you could care less about the hard working,tax paying,American.
Obama, cunningly, also deploys another form of executive action known as the presidential or executive memorandum, and he has issued those memoranda more often than any other president in history.
There is no constitutional provision or statute that explicitly permits either Executive Order or Executive Memorandum. Both are forms of executive orders (note the small e and o) or directives, and both have the full force of law. Caught you in another lie,Lonnie.
If an arsonist sets a fire, it may become the fire department’s fire but they don’t become the arsonist. The arsonist is still responsible for the damage and cost to society.
Lonnie…two things…Bish did not implement EO’s more than Bush and much more importantly….the issues he used EO’s for were innocuous for the most part…not hugely sensitive issues like Barry did…you liberals literally are slimy…
If an arsonist sets a fire, it may become the fire department’s fire but they don’t become the arsonist. The arsonist is still responsible for the damage and cost to society.
Does anybody have a clue what Gomer is trying to say with this incoherent rant?
Facts matter or should, all of the above rants but the only difference is President Obama is our first black president.
The only fact that matters is that all the bigoted bathroom bandits are trying to do with their hate campaign against North Carolina is enable sexual predators to enter girls’ and women’s bathrooms. Everything else leftard liars like Lonnie say, as in every leftard hate campaign before this one, is just a smokescreen for their wanting to enable criminals and oppress citizens. Truth, justice, facts, and reality continue to be solely preserved with the noble patriots of right wing and attacked by the contemptible traitors of the left. The facts laid out in Ricochet’s article and so many, many others aren’t going to change:
Another refutation against lyin’ Lonnie and his gaystapo goose-stepper fake-gender-pushing bathroom bandits:
Facts do matter,Lonnie.Ostupid has issued more executive memos than any President in history.Are you saying he didn’t.If you do,you are a bigger liar than he is.That is really saying something.
Have you ever been on a commercial airliner or train and used the Unisex restroom?
As a matter of fact, yes; though it wasn’t labeled “unisex” as such; not really a necessity for “single occupancy” restrooms like that, as McCrory’s bill refers to them. So what’s your point, bathroom bandit?
Notice how the old pervert lover always changes the subject when you nail him with facts.I tell him Ostupid has done more executive memos than any President in history and he comes back to ask you if you have been in a unisex bathroom.There is a heck of a lot of difference in bathrooms in airplanes with a lock,than open bathrooms with multiple people in them,as you correctly pointed out to the Goober.I guess his next one will be false narrative.
Yep, though I wouldn’t call him a pervert “lover” so much as pervert “panderer” in this context. As I’ve already pointed out, lyin’ Lonnie and his fellow leftards are just using the delusions of dudes with delusions of femininity to extort money and rob ordinary people of their Constitutional liberties; when their next battle against “Islamophobia” comes along, you’ll see how fast they turn against their former allies in the perverts’ alphabet soup movement and side with the Islamic terrorists who hang homosexuals or throw them off high buildings.
Actually, I expect Lonnie’s next bit of drivel to go back to the old “But how are you going to enforce it?” irrelevancy. We’ll enforce McCrory’s law the same way we currently enforce various states’ laws against masturbating in public restrooms: if someone sees you doing it and gets upset, you’re busted. Otherwise, practice your pathetic petty criminality in private all you want, pervert. (Incidentally, I didn’t even know those laws existed until George Michael got busted for violating them.)
That’s the way bathroom laws have worked in this country for so long as we’ve had any; that the gaystapo’s hate groups and hate publications are going nuclear on this non-issue only now just demonstrates that even they never really cared about any of the crap they’re pretending is so all-fired important now, and therefore we shouldn’t care about it either.
This video may help explain the mess the conservative authoritarians have made by mandating their small world view into the personal liberty and freedom of NC citizens. Conservatives like freedom when it’s a word on a bump sticker but not when it’s practiced by citizens.
Lonnie, this video demonstrates how we know you treasonous liberty-hating leftard bigots don’t care about trannies at all, just about giving your fellow sexual predators legal cover to invade girls’ and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms:
Every new “right” the bathroom bandits try to invent for their fellow child-abusers and sexual predators is just another attempt to take away our real rights, such as our right to be secure in our persons and property.
My IPad won’t even bring the thing up.I sure am sorry to miss some libturds video.It was probably some really sick junk if Lonnie is watching it.