To read the recent national and local stories about Raleigh’s Logan Smith and his efforts to “out” racists on Twitter, you’d think he was a random individual with noble intentions.
But the reality is that Logan Smith, vigilante, did not pop up out of nowhere and begin a citizen’s brigade to expose white supremacy for the sake of justice. His entire charade is a calculated witch hunt driven by the radical left with the intention of silencing anyone they deem racist by their own definition.
In fact, in a recent interview, a “curious” CNN anchor asked “Why are you so passionate about this?” as if she had no idea that his full time job is Communications Director for the leftiest lefty organization in North Carolina, Progress NC.
Almost every headline has left that important detail out.
The problem is not just that Smith is being painted a common hero. Although Mr Smith deems himself the ultimate authority on who is and is not a racist, he has no standard apart from an individual’s tweets or photos of crowd from Charlottesville and Trump campaign rallies (because everyone at a Trump rally is a racist.) Thus, it is very tricky to identify individuals accurately, even with the help of the Twitter mob. Not only has some of the information he’s used been inaccurate, but now that the mob is involved, “racist” individuals identified on Smith’s Twitter account have been publicly shamed, received horrific death threats, and even lost their jobs as a result.
Logan Smith is not the only individual who has crowd sourced efforts to out and shame racists. Hollywood star Jennifer Lawrence has also taken to Twitter to do the same.
And it was not too long ago that Lena Dunham claimed to overhear two airline employees having a “transphobic” conversation amongst themselves and tried to get those employees fired.
So where will the thought police stop? White supremacy is indeed evil and loathsome and has no place in decent society. But we don’t make societal change by targeting individuals and their livelihood based on their speech or ideology.
Indeed, attempting to silence those with whom we disagree by attacking their livelihood is wrong. And praising individuals like Progress NC’s Logan Smith and Hollywood elite like Lena Dunham and Jennifer Lawrence for summoning the mob and sicking them on these people is not just wrong. It’s a very slippery slope.
It is remarkable that an organization that regularly ‘targets individuals and their livelihood based on their speech and ideology’ and openly supports a president who has fine tuned ‘targeting individuals’ over the course of 40+ years could produce this garbage.
Why not invest your time in letting us know why Republicans opposed the erection of the very Statues and Monuments that are so fundamentally at the heart of civil unrest in our country when they were erected, and yet now, many years later, the GOP claims these same Statues and Monuments are the ‘heritage’ of Southern Civilization and has used ‘central planning’ to prohibit any town or municipality of free individuals from removing them without the ‘central planners’ decree.
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, Republicans saw the ‘lost cause’ Statues and Monuments that honored White soldiers who fought to create a Slave-Holding society as an abomination.
I guess you blew all the right ‘dog whistles’ for your audience. The ‘conservative witch hunt’ mandates these…..Slam anything to do with the Democratic Party (NC Policy Watch), mention Hollywood in a derogatory way, use the word ‘lefty’ and mock CNN.
Yet again, absolutely no education or academic thought coming from the folks marketing for their masters at NC Civitas. REMARKABLE!
You reap what you sow … I believe Civitas ran an article recently titled, “The Michelle Carter Case and the Conversation We Aren’t Having” that stressed, “the emphasis should be on societal alienation.” Logan Smith is providing the social alienation. NCCivitas is careening down a path with no apparent breaking device.
George, the words you just quoted were followed up by the following: Once we start down the road of policing speech, outside the realm of libel, slander, or threats, we are treading into highly subjective waters that could one day come back to bite us.
Scott needs to do some research about the “real” causes of the Civil War and disregard the “fake” history taught in public school for at least the last 30 years. Of course he won’t do that because there’s nothing worse than facts to disrupt a narrative. Realize the KKK was originated as the enforcement arm of the democrats, while the modern day projection of it is ironically called Antifa now. Look at this clown Logan Smith who is a self proclaimed speech nazi, looks like George Soros is getting his money’s worth. It appears as though the first amendment only applies to the moonbats on the left, and they’ll be the first to tell you. That day is changing, as the thinking citizens are moving forward to make America great again, and disregarding the losers on the left.
Who had the permit to march? I understand the police changed the course the permit holder were to follow.
Did the ACLU help the permit holders get the permit?
When we start taking down things, do we want to take down all the signs on roads and bridges?
Do we take down Martin Luther King’s sign for roads and bridges?
Where does it stop?
I posted a link Paul that tells the story of the Civil War from the mouth’s of the confederate Generals who fought it.
Read what they said and get back to all of us.
Antifa has nothing to do with the KKK. Antifa (anti-Fascist) was also represented by Republicans in the Spanish Civil War…fighting FASCISM.
brookemedina – stop defending hate speech. You are encouraging nccivitas creepy crawlers. This is not a ‘treading”. You underestimate NCCivitas followers.
When will these people that want to destroy our country stop. The statues are of men that fought for their states. The people that were brought to the US as slaves were sold by their African kings. Someone should read the true story of the lives of these great generals. Slavery wasn’t right but Jews were slaves, people came from England as indentured servants. Tearing down the monuments want change history. People need to pray about all the hate that are in their hearts and ask why they want to destroy the greatest country in the world.
Shorter Scott: “Wolf! *broken record skip* Wolf! *broken record skip* Wolf! *broken record skip*…”
Shorter George: “Stop defending liberty from leftard goose-steppers like us!”
Hey HW, if you want to throw Bible verses around (Cherry-Picked of course as folks like you are known to do), I have really good one for you.
How about showing some RESPECT to your leaders. God raised up ROY COOPER to be Governor / Chief Executive of this State. And the Governor says to “take the Monuments down and put them in a Museum where they belong.”
Bye Pinto, I just got off a conference call with George Soros/Antifa/BLM. The UN Helicopters are on the way to your house now. Bye.
Hey Scott!
I didn’t guote a Bible verse. But here is one Mark 12:31 love your neighbor as yourself. But of course no one believes the Bible,but will one day.
Projecting your own paranoid delusions again, Scott?
Yeah, apparently I’m on the goose-stepping fascist Antifa and racist BLM’s hate list for my “micro-aggression” of taking pictures of people walking up and down stairs.
Crowder reminds us that the fascist thugs of Antifa and BLM have everything to do with the KKK and neo-Nazis.
A summary for those lacking the time/inclination to watch the video:
1. Both “sides” have a total lack of regard for Law and the Constitution.
2. Both promote identity politics (i.e. racism) and play the victim card.
3. Both support big government/”liberal” (leftard) policies.
If you look at CNN’s map of Confederate memorials, you will notice that a fair number of them lie outside the Old South. Notice also that when Union and Confederate veterans met to observe the 50th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg in 1913, they did not brawl over the statues erected by southerners there. Instead, they got along very well and enjoyed some good fellowship. The question is, why has the far left been waging this campaign against these monuments, after they have stood peacefully and solemnly, memorializing mostly the dead who fell in war, all of a sudden? Race-baiting perhaps?
And once again, the blatant hypocrisy of Civitas shines through. Complaining about activists on the left “attacking the livelihood” of White Supremacists by revealing their identities, but at the same time Francis de Luca is gleefully pointing out individuals you have already revealed on your “Mapping The Left” blacklist, which was designed solely to attack the livelihoods of people with which you don’t agree. And just a piece of advice for the Colonel: Before you get too deep in your argument, “But these people were arrested!”, you may want to ask a few *real* Libertarians if using a government action as a justification is a wise position to take.
Once again, the hypocrisy of the leftards knows no bounds. How often did we hear their blood libel about Sarah Palin and Gabrielle Giffords after Loughner’s shooting spree, and when are they going to take responsibility (based on this “logic”) for the SPLC’s “hate map” that triggered Floyd Corkins’ terrorist attack on the Family Research Council?
Yeah, we on the right aren’t holding our breath. Leftards have no moral standing to lecture us about civility and decency, as they are utterly uncivil and indecent themselves. George, Scott, Steve, Logan, and all other goose-steppers are morally inferior to the ISIS terrorists; while they’re both utterly evil and want to enslave and murder us all for the sake of their genocidal ideologies, the ISIS terrorists don’t pretend to be committing any of their atrocities against humanity for our sake the way the leftards do.
We blacks need laws against hate speech to keep us from murdering you whites.
That boy Pinto sure has some dark horses in his closet. Wow, just wow!
No doubt, D. Dowdy is branding Mr. De Luca as a hypocrite.
Wow. The leftard bots are out in force today, and they’ve obviously popped a few rivets.
Scott, educate yourself on racist history and research the Democrat party. If removing all things historically racist you must disband the democrat party. But keep losing elections and that will naturally occur.