Parents across Wake County are receiving a pamphlet describing the 2013-14 Student Assignment Plan. Included in the description is a list of “required documents” for those families wishing to enroll a child in a Wake Co. school. The list of required documents is also available online, and it includes:
Required documents
Completed enrollment forms
A certified copy of your child’s birth certificate
Proof of your Wake County address (current water, gas, or electric bill in parent’s name, new signed lease, or offer to purchase agreement)
A photo ID of the parent or guardian
Your child’s immunization record
Any custody documents
Doing some very rough, back of the envelope estimates, we see that hundreds if not thousands of Wake Co. children will be prohibited from enrolling in school. After all, the “experts” tell us that anywhere from eight percent to 11 percent of adult North Carolinians have no photo ID. In a school district totaling more than 143,000 students, that would add to quite a few children whose parents wouldn’t meet the required documentation. I’m sure the media will report on this scandal as the reports come out about all these adults without photo ID being unable to enroll their children in school.
But most importantly, according to opponents of voter photo ID requirements, the only reason to require citizens to show a photo ID is to “disenfranchise” people, and the only motivation behind such requirements is racism. So, will the loony left-wing opponents of voter photo ID be consistent and wail about the Wake County school board being racists who want to disenfranchise children from exercising their state-constitutional right to an education? Don’t they care about the children?
Jay DeLancy says
Great post, Brian. Consistency is never a strong suit for the policy wonks on the left. If their only retort for your observation today is to call you names; remember that it’s just their way of saying “good point!”