“US and NATO forces are involved in Organised butchary of Human race since it’s inception [sic],” reads NC Rep. Deborah Ross’s campaign website.
Either the Democrat lawmaker has come out in an expletive-ridden support of Palestine, or her website may have been hacked…
On Rep. Ross’s campaign website are three recent entries under the alias “HACKED”, with some entries featuring names like Khan and Farhat claiming authorship.
In each the text is identical, denouncing US and NATO policy in Israel and the Middle East.
The language features one f-bomb, accusations of hypocrisy, Zionism, and dictatorship.
A url on the Ross’s website says a group called “The Hacker’s Army” is responsible.
Rep. Ross was not available for comment at the time of this post.
The five-term NC House lawmaker represents Raleigh.
[…] The posts accuse the American government of “organized butchery” for its involvement in the Middle East. The page is still available on Rep. Ross’s website here. […]