Jeff Bennett, a Julian Simon fellow at PERC, took two interesting pictures of a display at the Smithsonian Institution. Now, he’s taking bets on when those displays will be taken down given the ‘climate’ of global warming alarmism. Check ’em:
Now, either these old displays are old news and no longer accepted science (the truth is, no one knows the degree to which climate change is due to natural variability), or they’re solid as oak. Either way, when the nation’s premier nature museum is telling us and our kids that we’re in an ice age (and that warming may be due to our coming out of said ice age), we’d better reevaluate something.
My bet? I’m thinking they’ll come out by the time we have a new president.
-Max Borders
But if we’re in an ice age, why hasn’t it snowed here in 3 years?