The Senate Appropriations Base Budget Committee passed SB265. The bill would have state employees contribute to their health insurance premiums. It would also increase co-pays and deductibles. Under the proposal the State Treasurer would take over control of the Health Plan. A legislative committee now has oversight. The State Employees Association and retiree groups are concerned about the co-pays and deductibles and want to work to change those provisions. Bill sponsor Republican Senator Tom Apodaca says the bill needs to move quickly so it can be sent to the Governor by April. He says the bill will probably be on the Senate floor for a vote Thursday.
In Faulkenbury vs State of North Carolina,the Court said, when a person was vested with the State, basically a contract was formed that guaranteed an employees benefits and rights that He or She was promised when vested.One benefit that was promisied to retirees was free insurance.The State may have the right to raise deductables and payments, but should not have the right to charge premiums.