While the Governor asked permission to cut $400 million from the current budget SB13 goes much further by finding another $400 million in savings. That includes transferring money from several funds including the Golden LEAF, the business incentive fund, and the Governor’s One North Carolina fund. Republican Senator Richard Stevens said the transfers involved money that was unencumbered. Over $67 million would be taken from the Golden LEAF Fund but Stevens says the fund had over $550 million in the bank. Democratic Senator Doug Berger offered an amendment to stop the transfers saying the funds were needed for job recruitment. Stevens countered there was plenty of money left. GOP Senator Bob Rucho said the small net number of jobs created didn’t justify some of the huge tax credits. Berger’s amendment was defeated. Democratic Senator Dan Clodfelter told the chamber lawmakers shouldn’t give up the authority to make cuts to the Governor because they were elected to make the tough choices. The bill was tentatively approved intact but faces one more vote on Monday evening (Feb 7) before going to the House.
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