All too frequently this blog is filled with bad news and enough evidence to convince anyone we’re all running off the rails. So once in awhile it is certainly nice to report some good news. On Tuesday, researchers in Japan and Wisconsin reported a major breakthrough in stem cell research that provides researchers the advantages of embryonic stem cells but bypasses all the ethical objections. Researchers successfully reprogrammed skin cells to mimic embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells were produced without ever destroying a human embryo. While many specifics are yet to be worked out and the benefits might be years away, the breakthrough is significant Those on all sides of the stem cell research issue including politicians, stem cell scientists and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are lauding the work of researchers.
Opponents of embryonic stem cell research and all those who value the protection of human life at its earliest stages should welcome this news. These developments will help to chart a path for this research to move forward in an ethical manner… Something to add to your list of things for which to give thanks on Thursday.