Woo hoo! The stimulus is working!
Before the bill has even been signed, the stimulus bill has already created 1 new job in North Carolina. Well, kinda…
Health and Human Services and former Raleigh city manager, will lead a
new state office charged with handling and tracking the way the state
spends federal stimulus funds.
Great. $6.1 billion to NC and the first thing we do is hire a night watchman. It just figures that the first new job created by this bloated massive government expansion project is that of another bureaucrat. That's just what we need to get our economy moving again.
But let me get this straight… There are 300,000+ state employees and we have to create a new position just to "track" the money in the stimulus bill? Really? There was nobody already employed by the government who could take on this additional responsibility?
Nobody in the Governor's office could handle this?
Somehow, I don't think this was the idea of "new jobs" we were promised.
Oh well, One new job down, 104,999 to go, I guess.
How much $$$ did he (or one of his friends) give to Bev?