Nanny-staters in LA are making Ronald McDonald public enemy #1, as this WSJ article describes.
"Jan Perry, a Los Angeles city-council member, is spearheading legislation that would ban new fast-food restaurants like McDonald’s and KFC from opening in a 32-square-mile chunk of the city, including her district."
Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Such measures are what naturally follow in a nation that has come to consider health care to be a "public good." If government is to provide a collective health care system, then expect government to become very concerned with your personal life, including: diet, smoking, drinking, exercise, weight, dangerous hobbies, etc., etc.
The catch-22 is that a socialized health care system is what creates the moral hazard government is trying to combat here. In other words, if government is paying for your health care needs no matter if you engage in a healthy lifestyle or if you make poor health decisions – why take care of yourself? The consequences of your poor decisions (higher medical bills) will be paid for by "society" so eat, drink and be merry – it won’t cost you anything.
Let’s wise up and see the writing on the wall. People’s waist size and calorie intake is none of government’s business, but under the single-payer type system the liberals want to impose, every aspect of your life suddenly becomes a "public good" because it is the general public that will be paying for your health care.
This is an aspect of health care reform that lefties don’t want you to know about. Their "solutions" to health care will be leveraged to excuse the most massive government intrusion into your personal life imaginable.
Hey, wonder if frequent RCC comment lurker Steve Turner would volunteer to make all our public and personal health decisions for us? He’s got a medical degree, so he has a moral right and duty to make our healthcare decisions for us.
Should I ask him if I can get cheese on my Whopper?