When a company as large and as well-known as Target chooses to insert itself directly into such a radical movement that seeks to ultimately destroy religious liberty and completely goes against our conservative values, it’s our role as an organization to give conservatives a way to communicate directly with the company.
Those are the words of 2nd Vote Executive Director Lance Wray as he outlined the organization’s launched a national campaign (#AnywhereButTARGET) asking customers to NOT to shop at department store giant Target this holiday season. 2nd Vote is a conservative non-profit organization group that “watches and exposes liberal corporate activity.”
Earlier this year department store giant, Target announced that it would do away with gender-specific restrooms and changing facilities. Instead it would allow customers to use restrooms and changing facilities based on their Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), rather than their biological sex.
Target has, according to 2nd Vote press release, “led the charge to overturn states bans on traditional marriage, acted as the key promoters of the Equality Act, and served as the primary advocates working [to] overturn North Carolina’s HB-2. The press release continued:
2nd Vote is also calling out Target for their work in supporting Common Core State Standards.
Do boycotts work?
Earlier this year a boycott launched by the American Family Association mobilized over 1 million pro-family advocates and rattled Target’s stock price and convinced the company to spend over $20 million on single occupancy restroom facilities.
If you’re interested learning more about the #AnywhereButTARGET campaign, access materials here and here.
“Over 1 million pro-family advocates and rattled Target’s stock price”, according to who exactly? That seems, not surprisingly, a rather inflated number.
Where is the evidence of Target serving “as the primary advocates working [to] overturn North Carolina’s HB-2.” ?
Seems rather hypocritical for “North Carolina’s Conservative Voice” to be advocating against the interests of a large for profit enterprise, does it not?
BTW, Target stock price appears to be doing rather well, the boycott by a handful of bible-thumping nuts doesn’t appear to be having much effect.
NCCivitas … always looking out for the best interests of ….. hmmmm?
My family quit shopping at target 3 years ago for those same reasons. Makes you think if the security breach of customer’s credit card data was sold to support their liberal causes. ??? Thank you for shining the light on issues that harm our great State. Vivant Jesus!
I never shop at Target anymore. They don’t have anything I need that I can’t purchase from another store where I can shop without being concerned about safety and privacy.
Who needs Target???? not me…