Over a hundred members of Tea Party groups from across the state walked the halls of the General Assembly today trying to persuade Democratic lawmakers to override the Governor’s veto of HB2. The bill would have opted out of the insurance mandate in the National Healthcase Act and joined the national lawsuit against Obamacare. Below is an excerpt of a conversation Republican House Speaker Thom Tillis had with Tea Party members outside his office.
One lady said they talked to the Democrats who voted for the repeal and were told those lawmakers wouldn’t commit to voting in favor of an override. While the veto is on the House calendar Republican leader Paul Stam told the crowd there was no guarantee there would actually be a vote today.
Is there any video from yesterday of other legislators? Am wondering how my Rep., Tim Spear, responded.
To Lisa M,
Rep Spear voted to stand w/ the Governor. He Voted “Noe” to Override the Veto.
And just FYI, ALL of the Democrats voted ‘NOE’.