So much for giving peace a chance.
Darling of the left and one of the original "Deaniacs" – Visiting Duke University Law Professor Zephyr Teachout – apparently got a little rough with former Senator and WWII veteran Bob Dole at AFP’s Take Back Our State rally. Classy.
Word has it former Senator Dole ended up with bruises after the Duke Prof grabbed the man’s arm rather forcefully. Was she trying to make a point? Was she trying literally to pull information about the man’s lobbying activities out of him? Was she over-exuberant in thanking him for his military and public service? Can’t say. Wasn’t there. But here is some insight from Dallas Woodhouse who posted in the comments over at the socialist website Progressive Pulse:
"I saw many faces from the far left at the event, and I was glad to see them. With one exception…
Zephyr R. Teachout, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law did far more than “approached Dole to ask him if he would make public all of his foreign lobbying clients.”
Teachout grabbed Sen. Dole’s wrist and would not let go. I saw the deep bruises in his wrist. This of course was the wrist on his one good arm. He lost use of his arm right arm in World War 2. He is a true war hero and should not be assulted by a Duke professor.
Duke University should think long and hard about being involved with a woman who would treat any human being like that.
I would not treat [a] dog like she treated a American hero yesterday."
Here’s Professor Teachout’s reply to Dallas:
"Dear Dallas,
Thank you for alerting me to this, and I have sent Senator Dole my apologies.
I did not grab his wrist. I shook his hand. I appreciate your calling my attention to shaking it too hard. I certainly did not mean to hurt him.
Hmmm. Funny, all those Iraq War veterans shook his hand and managed not to hurt him. How did he get bruises on his wrist from a hand-shake from a rather spritely Duke Prof? Stranger medical mysteries have occurred, but it’s more probable that Professor Teachout’s zeal and freedom-hatred led her to get too rough. Bob Dole can take it. It’ll likely go no further.
But if the situation had been reversed, Teachout would probably have spun the whole event into felony charges — much like her Duke colleagues (Inquisitors), the Gang of 88 would have spun it in the down-is-up world of the postmodern left.
(Teachout is known for applying distributed, voluntary networks to politics. Sadly, she supports the exact opposite for the economy: rigid, hierarchical control by interest seekers and socialist do-gooders.)
Is the individual who wrote this post willing to claim authorship? An anonymous posting is not very persuasive.