Finance reports for September for Federal PACs are beginning to trickle in and one of the first things I’ve been able to find is a huge investment by the Teamster’s Union in North Carolina state races. Once again, big labor is attempting to buy NC’s elections.
According to the most recent Federal Elections Commission (FEC) report filed, the Teamsters PAC (Named DRIVE PAC) gave $88,000 to NC Democratic candidates and committees in September. (Download Excel sheet with full list here – Download drive_contributions.xls
$24,000 to various House and Senate incumbent Democrats.
$11,500 to statewide Democrats, including:
$4,000 to Roy Cooper
$4,000 to Janet Cowell
$2,000 to Mary Fant Donnan
$1,500 to Elaine Marshall
$27,500 to the NC Democratic Party’s Non-Federal account (to be used on state races)
$25,000 to the NC Democratic Senate Committee
And as for their contributions to Republican candidates in NC… $0.
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