Ever since the alleged fall of the Soviet Union, as the peoples of eastern Europe have gained greater freedom, it appears that Americans prefer to be told what to do by government in more and more parts of their daily lives. It began with low flow toilets and hamburger cooking regulations. But now, in 2008, there is an effort to control what you and your children eat.
California, a state that often leads the country in the march to insanity, has banned the sale of food in schools that fail to meet state mandated nutritional requirements. When school food is mentioned, the average person recalls the mystery meat served in the cafeteria. In California, it means any food. That includes bake sale by a high school sports team.
Water polo players in the Bay Area town of Piedmont were forced to move their fundraising bake sale to an off-campus location across the street from Piedmont High School. How far will the food police go? I guess band candy is out too.
What these food fascists fail to recognize is that childhood obesity is solved by something more than restricting kids to a vegetable and fruit diet. Physical exertion solves a ton of weight problems. I seriously doubt the water polo team has a body fat problem.
I am just looking forward to my daily state issued ration of gruel while some lucky man in Prague enjoys a nice meal of Svi?ková. To my Czech friend, let me just say that we used to call the choice to make your own decisions Svoboda.
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