The Supreme Court did the right thing today:
In its decisive 6-3 decision, the justices upheld a lower court ruling in the combined cases of William Crawford, et al. v. Marion County Election Board, et al. and Indiana Democratic Party et al. v. Todd Rokita, et al. The plaintiffs in the case challenged a 2005 Indiana law requiring voters to present government-issued photo identification before being allowed to vote.
Now it’s time for NC to follow suit. No more voter fraud.
-Max Borders
Your man Patrick McHenry is the prime suspect for election fraud in NC. Seems like he paid the bill for the lawyers to ensure that Michael Aaron Lay would be able to plead guilty to, but not have to face any real consequences for, engaging in election fraud.
Then, the NCGOP demonstrated it’s principled stand against voter fraud by picking giving Michael Aaron Lay a cushy job with Fetzer Stephens.
Yeah, the same Fetzer Stephens who openly advocates for suppressing minority voters, which just so happens to be the reason rightwing groups support the Voter ID laws.
I don’t envy rightwing groups for needing to suppress voters in order to win elections, or for the racism that follows from that necessity. And I’m not surprised at the racism of older GOP operatives; they’re born into it. But you’d think younger folks would find it less socially acceptable to engage in these tactics, despite the partisan advantage you hope to achieve.
How do you address the fact that 84% of African-American voters feel that requiring photo ID to vote is a good idea?
I didn’t know McHenry was our “man.” When did he start working at Civitas?
What percentage of people think that a literacy test requirement is a good idea?
What percentage of people think that Saddam Hussein flew planes into the World Trade Center?
You can’t lie to people and then brag about how they believe your lies. I mean, you can, but it won’t make your bad advice good.
Regarding Max’s link, Alberto Gonzales lost his job trumping up those charges. Fortunately for you, Civitas has even lower standards than the Bush administration.
How would you propose we protect the democratic process from fraud, Jerimee?
Whoa, and here’s one from today:
Jerimee, do you just open up the BlueNC/Fitzsimon’s talking points memo to get your marching orders or can you think outside your small little box for one second?
If we had a voter ID law in place in North Carolina, Aaron Lay wouldn’t have been allowed to cast a ballot since he had a Tennessee driver’s license.
But that doesn’t fit your conspiracy theory, so that can’t possibly be considered.
I can’t believe anyone thinks if you have to show a ID to vote is going to take peoples liberty to vote. I can’t go to the doctor without showing my ID, Insurance Card, Medicare Card. How does one apply for Social Security, Medicaid, cash a check, have a bank account without photo ID?