The Governor's office today posted this website to show where NC's share of the federal stimulus money is going.
In a press release announcing the site, Purdue had this to say:
be used to put North Carolina back to work.”
And this…
to North Carolina to create jobs, and to rebuild and expand the state's critical
But a quick look at the summary of spending should send your BS-ometer into overdrive. Leaving aside the much-discussed fact that government can not create jobs, let's see just how little money actually goes to "critical infrastructure."
Totaling the transportation and water & sewer sections amounts to $975.5 million. Adding in the $551 million reportedly designated for school construction from the education category brings the total to $1.52 billion. Out of $6.1 billion. That makes a whopping 25 percent going to "expand the state's critical infrastructure."
With all the transparency they are providing, you'd think they'd be a little more honest about where the money is going. Moreover, many of the items are quite vague at this point, I look forward to seeing more detailed information about some of the spending. I also encourage all interested readers to frequently check the site and follow the money trail. I suspect that the more details we uncover, Obama's and Purdue's rhetoric about jobs and infrastructure will look ever more ridiculous.
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