Unaffiliated registration in North Carolina has been outpacing Republican and Democratic registration for a long time. This year, the accelerated registration leading up to the election has brought this trend to a landmark: North Carolina’s two largest counties, within just a month of one another, have seen unaffiliated registration exceed Republican registration: Wake in August and Mecklenburg in October.
Unaffiliateds now hold a commanding lead in Wake. In the past three months Unaffiliated voters have surpassed Republicans in three counties, bringing the count up to 33. The third is Watauga, which is now the second county in which Unaffiliated registration leads all three parties (the first was Currituck, which occurred in April 2009). Unaffiliateds lead Democrats in 12 counties, having picked up two in the past three months (Moore and Randolph).
Four years ago, Unaffiliateds led Republicans in 17 counties, and Democrats in only three.
Compare voter registration from month to month on Carolina Transparency’s Voter Registration Changes, and zero in on counties on the county pages.
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