We all already know that the editors at the Raleigh News & Observer is a far-left group of statists, preaching that every aspect of society should be politicized.
But yesterday’s editorial griping about North Carolina legislative leader’s desire for further tax cuts included some downright chilling statements.
Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger, architect of things like HB2, responded to Democratic calls for using the money to help schools and families hit hard by Hurricane Matthew by saying: “While Gov. Roy Cooper thinks politicians know best how to spend your hard-earned money, we believe you know what’s best for your family and your bank account.”
That statement insults the intelligence of every citizen in North Carolina, and Berger and his sidekick, House Speaker Tim Moore, ought to be ashamed of that kind of pandering.
Wait, what!?!
The N&O editors think its insulting for you to believe that you are better suited to spend the money you earned to provide for your family. Instead, government knows best.
Do they realize other people can read their words?
Anybody out there insulted by the notion that you know better how to care for your family than government bureaucrats in Raleigh?
The article then goes on to ridicule Berger for referring to “your money and your bank account” when discussing tax cuts; and later refer’s to it instead as “the public’s money.”
The message from the N&O is clear: you do not own the money that you earned, it all belongs to the ruling class. The state owns you.
History does not reflect favorably upon societies organized by the N&O’s favored “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state” mentality.
What? NCCivitas ideology has run amok in this short piece!