From reading this, does anyone else get the feeling that Speaker Joe Hackney is almost surprised that voters don't like wasteful spending?
Why in the world would voters be so skeptical of government (over)spending?
Could it be the $159 million in pork in the 2008 budget?
Or the $205 million in pork in the 2007 budget?
Or the $150 million in pork in the 2006 budget?
Or the over $1.1 billion in earmarks requested in 2008 by the NC House and Senate?
Or the 47% increase in the state budget in the last eight years? Or the doubling of state debt?
Nah, why would voters think there is waste…
Maybe its because they now know that state agencies wait until a budget “crisis” before they care enough to make sensibie “cutbacks” to spending, such as turning their computers off at night.