Jorge Cornell, leader of North Carolina’s Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation gang urged gang members in rival gangs to join him in opposing the 287(g) program.
287(g) trains local law enforcement to help enforce immigration law. 7 of North Carolina’s 100 counties are currently enrolled in the program.
From the perspective of pure economics, this is my advice to local Bloods and Crips and other native-based gangs. 287(g) is your friend.
1) By deporting criminal illegal aliens, 287(g) opens up opportunities for native gang members. This increases profits for native gangs.
As you know, as much as 95% of the membership of gangs like MS-13 is made up of illegal aliens. In fact, 22% of all gang members in North Carolina are Hispanic, although Hispanics only account for 7% of North Carolina’s population. Likewise, Hispanics are thought to comprise 49 percent of total gang membership nationwide.
2) Contrary to Cornell’s claims, 287(g) is not racist and immigration enforcement has nothing to do with race. If anything, as the residents of Durham and L.A. have seen in recent years, Hispanic gangs have been targeting African-Americans.
Peace is a good thing. But, as they say, if you want peace … work for justice. And justice comes by equally applying the law to all people — no matter what their color or national origin or immigration status. Why should the ALKQN — or any other gang — be able to break immigration law with impunity? After all, native gang members have to obey the law.
Not to mention do the time (illegal aliens won’t, if Senator Rand has his way), if they break the law.
Why are we even discussing matters with some gang member? Even talking to them on an official level elevates them to some sort of perceived official status. Gang members are not civilized people. By the very act of joining a criminal gang, they have declared themselves to be outside the realm of decent people who ought to have a voice in how our country ought to be run. We ought to be making life difficult for them at every turn, thwarting their criminal plans, arresting them, and putting the to hard labor on prison farms. We should not be listening to their pronouncements and opinions about the desirability of what is (like it or not) the law of the land.
NEWS FLASH: Gang members are NOT very fond of any laws at all! If they bristle with indignation about laws against murder and larceny, then there is NO wonder that they do not like the other laws that form the basis of civilized society. As decent members of society, we should not concern ourselves with the question of “Do the criminals like it?” except to modify any law that they may approve of, on the basis that any such law is probably bad for society as a whole!
In the end, the joker referred to in this article (The King of whatever) is no more than a criminal PAC or union leader. While certain left-leaning political parties (guess who?) my welcome this and curry favor with them, upright citizens should have no truck with these merchants of crime and disorder, other than to assert their God given right to shoot them in self defense whenever the occasion lawfully presents itself. To converse with these pieces of human debris in any serious manner about public policy is tantamount to engaging in collective bargaining with our criminals. (Note to lefties: This would be a BAD thing to do. Trust me.)
I agree. The news media should not have covered this “story.”
Today’s street organizations, or “gangs” started forming to defend themselves against the acts of injustice and unrighteous behaviors of law enforcement and government to the “minorities” and other ethnic groups. These acts committed by the corrupted “law” against the people are almost never brought to the eyes of the public society. The “lower class” communities and ethnic groups have and will always be oppressed by the “law”. They simply do what they have to do to survive; and yes the ethnic groups such as African Americans and Hispanics dispute and target each other but the reason is because the “law” has always separated them and labeled them by their nationalities and actually set them against each other to destroy their communities and morale furthermore, and just sit back and watch them fight in poverty instead of helping them. This is what they mean by freedom. We are free from the help or concerns of “Uncle Sam” as long as we stay out of the way of the Caucasian race. Slavery still exists in the U.S., only in a new form. Our ethnic groups and street organizations are not racists though; simply brought up in poverty and left with no choice but to take from other groups and communities what has been taken from them. . .but I thank the Almighty Father that there are people from this environment such as myself and Jorge Cornell that stand for a good cause. And all we need is help turning our younger generations around by starting from the root of corruption in our communities (“gangs”) since we will never be able to change the acts of oppression from the “law”. To change our communities we start from within, with people that understand the struggle. And for you to call us pieces of human debris is very inhumane of a person who speaks of civilization and justice!!
Here’s a law to get passed in North Carolina criminal codes: treat gang members like sex offenders — make them register and appear on a website so that we always know where they live. I bet they would stop commenting on blogs like this if that law were in effect. Oh, but that law makes too much sense…..will never be passed in North Carolina.