This week, Governor Roy Cooper announced that he would veto the budget.
One of Gov. Cooper’s criticisms of the bipartisan budget was that there was not enough education funding provided for public schools. A press release from the governor’s office stated, “Cooper highlighted the legislature’s failure to properly fund education. The legislative budget includes no money to help teachers buy school supplies, nothing for schools to hire additional support personnel, and drains millions of dollars from public education to pay for private school vouchers with no accountability.”
Furthermore, he declared that the school choice programs laid out in the budget should be phased out completely in order to return those funds directly to public schools. Not only does this rob students and families of real opportunities to choose how and where they are educated, but Roy Cooper’s declaration makes him a complete and utter hypocrite.
In October of 2016, the Civitas Center for Law and Freedom (CLF) filed suit against the attorney general’s office, alleging that in his capacity as attorney general. Roy Cooper illegally funneled settlement money to special interest groups instead of distributing it to North Carolina public schools as required by state law.
Article IX, Section 7 of the North Carolina Constitution says that “all moneys, stocks, bonds, and other property belonging to a county school fund, and the clear proceeds of all penalties and forfeitures and of all fines collected in the several counties for any breach of the penal laws of the State, shall belong to and remain in the several counties, and shall be faithfully appropriated and used exclusively for maintaining free public schools.”
The law is very clear. And Roy Cooper clearly violated the law. And this week, a state Superior Court judge ruled in favor of the case proceeding. Uh oh.
Governor Cooper quite literally took money from North Carolina students and gave it to special interest groups instead. And now he’s complaining about public schools not getting enough money?
He certainly has a lot of gaul to surround himself with teachers as he stands and declares teachers don’t get paid enough and public schools aren’t getting enough money… when he personally robbed schools of funds they were guaranteed by the state constitution. He had an opportunity to give more money to public schools, and he didn’t do it.
If education funding wasn’t a priority to him then, why should we believe it is now?
NCCivitas Dictionary
of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two or three members of an opposing political party.
They must be using Hillary’s dictionary with regard to bipartisan, George.
An applicable Bible verse:
“He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.” – John 12:6
Hypocritical usurper Cooper is that kind of thieving parasite.
I thought the Education Lottery was going to make spats like this unnecessary.
The budget bill approved and sent to Cooper was approved by 4 Dem Senators
and by 5 Dem Reps:
Don’t confuse George with the facts!
Iam sorry but this communist leftist wacko belongs in prison for his breach of oath when he was the A.G. , he is no good and his friends are the Obamas and the Clintons as well the Governor of Virginia whom we all know is a Clinton Whore bundler,. the man is a fraud and a Liar.
Roy Cooper was the best friend for many Drunk Drivers during his tenure as AG, due to the fact that a state Lab wasn’t built in Asheville it was impossible to have Lab Techs travel from Raleigh to testify in DWI cases in a timely manner so many DWI cases where a BAC Blood test was performed had to be dismissed by the District Attorneys in the western end of the state. He was a political hack as AG and he will be the same as Governor. He lied to the teachers and parents of students about the NC Publc Schools to get elected Governor while handing over the school system’s money to his cronies.