The Senate voted 29-20 in favor of the “Women’s Right to Know Act” (HB 854) which requires that women receive a consultation with a doctor, are given information on alternatives to abortion, offered an ultrasound, and given a 24-hour waiting period before having an abortion.
Democrats voted unanimously against the bill and were joined by one Republican, Sen. Stan Bingham (R – Davidson). Last week, the House voted 71 – 48 in favor of the bill which will now be placed on the desk of Gov. Beverly Perdue to await her verdict.
This bill will likely receive a veto from Perdue. It is one vote short in both the House and the Senate from a veto-proof majority.
Thirty-two states have enacted Women’s Right to Know laws and several state courts have declared it constitutional.
The “pro-choice” camp has spoken out against this legislation saying it violates the doctor/patient relationship and assumes that women are stupid.
Sen. Eleanor Kinnaird (D – Orange) said that, “I would think that most women who have arrived at this decision have probably talked with their primary doctor.”
But Sen. Kinnaird is sorely mistaken.
Currently, most women seeking an abortion do not do so through their private family doctors but rather through abortion clinics where the record of the abortion will be easier to hide. Abortion clinics are not required to have a patient consult with the doctor before scheduling an abortion and many women see the doctor for the first time when they are already on the table. A Woman’s Choice abortion clinic in Raleigh advertises their “same day appointments” and makes sure that women know that cash, major credit cards and debit cards are accepted.
Upon calling a clinic in Raleigh, I was told that I could come that same day and I wouldn’t have to talk to anyone before my appointment. I could be “in and out!” they said.
The Planned Parenthood website reassures the patient by saying, “Abortions are very common. In fact, more than 1 out of 3 women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are 45 years old.”
However, how many women are told that a survey conducted in London found that 82% of women regretted their abortions?
Or that there is waiting list for couples wanting to adopt children with Down Syndrome?
This bill is not making abortions illegal. It is simply making sure that women are treated like responsible adults and given all the information before making a very serious decision.
No one can call themselves “pro-choice” and stand against this bill.
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