Staying with the untested Common Core education standards, which 45 states are using, is somehow being “competitive”? Yes that is what Lew Ebert, president and CEO of the NC Chamber (35,000 members) said according to the Raleigh News and Observer when he said
“HB 1061 sends a signal to job creators in North Carolina and every state in the country that North Carolina is not ready to compete,”
The 45 states that have Common Core did not adopt them because of superior quality or because they would improve education they adopted them because of a bribe from Washington, DC. Rep. Michael Speciale (R – Craven) put it best during debate when he said
“Forty-five states signed on to Common Core for the same reason North Carolina did – for a big check”
In fact the check for NC was $400 million in the middle of the worst recession to hit the state since the depression. Not hard to come up with 400 reasons the State Board of Education jumped at the Common Core standards with no research and no input from the legislature. While the Chamber is usually right about what they advocate, how can we be “competitive” when 44 other states are doing exactly the same thing? We need to scrap Common Core and adopt NC education standards that are the best in the country – now that would be competitive!
Not only was this BRIBE money which circumvented state legislation in ALL states, but piggybacked on Race to the Top (RTT) which was never introduced to congress and only an EO. States had to accept RTT with Common Core to get the money…
RTT, was on the WH website for a short time then removed, because it was as racially discriminating as they get. It is a grading method by which Blacks then Whites then Asians are given handicap points.. Highest going to Asians, then Whites, to give Blacks ‘an edge’ over what the author determined as obviously ‘smarter’ Asians and Whites. “Level the playing field” which is the same as Affirmative Action that was never considered successful.
IF congress had been doing their job, contesting the RTT which they had a window of opportunity of 60 days….we would not have Common Core nor RTT !!
ALSO, Common Core was not even written at the time of acceptance…who accepts a contract that has yet to be written? I think this allow makes it null and void..