Democrats on the Wake County Board of Commissioners have increased support for WCPSS by $90 million since 2015. Since taking the majority on the Wake County Board of Commissioners,Democrats have presided over a 30 percent increase in local support. .
So imagine the consternation of Commissioners when members of Wake County School Board strongly opposed and criticized the decision by Wake County Commissioners to only boost county education funding by $21 million this year – about half of what the school system wanted. In 2015 Commissioners gave WCPSS a record $44.6 million increase in local funding. The tension has soured relations between the two groups.
Commissioners didn’t like that WCPSS had a $21 million fund balance, were asking for yet more money and couldn’t adequately explain how money was being spent.
Asking how taxpayer money is spent is a legitimate question. Thinking county commisioners ought to comply with every budget request from the local school district reflects a detestable arrogance and poor understanding of the budget process.
Is this what we want from our local school board?
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