Ballotpedia is reporting that liberal billionaire George Soros contributed $1.8 million to efforts to defeat 6 constitutional amendments on the November ballot in North Carolina. ... Keep Reading
Birthright Citizenship, Amendments, and Political Tension in Marriage
Does President Trump have the authority to issue an Executive Order to rescind "birthright citizenship?" How should we understand birthright citizenship in the context of the 14th ... Keep Reading
A Moral Case for Lowering the Cap on the State Income Tax
While not uncommon at all, one of the more bizarre behaviors is the continual angst for others to pay more in taxes. Supposedly, if the government has even more money for programs ... Keep Reading
Legislative Agenda for Short Session
State lawmakers reconvene today for a min-session of sorts, expected to last a few days, in order to focus on a handful of items. Making the most headlines, is the consideration of ... Keep Reading