If the 2017 Conservative Leadership Conference had one theme, it was that while 2016 brought landmark victories for conservative causes, this year has brought a pushback by the ... Keep Reading
amity shlaes
How Does a President Put Scandal Behind Him?
At tonight's Conservative Leadership Conference, historian Amity Shlaes told the crowd how a president, new to office, can escape from a cloud of scandal. She was speaking of ... Keep Reading
Five Lessons from Coolidge
Our new video clip of an interview with Amity Shlaes highlights why Calvin Coolidge was a successful leader, and conservatives can find encouragement and counsel in it. For the ... Keep Reading
Coolidge Showed Spending Can Be Cut
Do we need a man like … Calvin Coolidge … again? That is a question that has to be taken seriously, thanks to the fine work of bestselling author Amity Shlaes, who was in ... Keep Reading