Earlier this week, Civitas Polling released the results of our latest flash poll. The poll sought to gauge voter opinion on five potential constitutional amendments that could be ... Keep Reading
right to work
FLASH POLL: Voters Support Voter ID, Income Tax Caps, & More
RALEIGH, N.C. – Civitas Poll has just released voter approval of five potential constitutional amendments. Covering a wide array of issues, voters were asked if they supported or ... Keep Reading
Strong Majority of Voters Want Right to Work Amendment
RALEIGH - The first Civitas poll of the 2018 mid-term election year found that 64 percent of potential voters support a “Right to Work” constitutional amendment. The full text of ... Keep Reading
CLF Joins Coalition Asking High Court to Support Employee Freedom
Legal Brief Emphasizes Success of Right-to-Work Laws in States like NC On Friday, September 11, the Civitas Institute Center for Law and Freedom joined several other state-based ... Keep Reading
CLF Joins Coalition Asking SCOTUS to Support Employee Freedom
September 14, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Demi Dowdy (919) 834-2099 demi.dowdy@nccivitas.org Legal Brief Emphasizes Success of Right-to-Work Laws in States ... Keep Reading
Right to Work Law Passes in Indiana
The Indiana House of Representative has just approved Right to Work legislation that would protect employees from mandatory union fees. From the Washington Post: INDIANAPOLIS — ... Keep Reading