Art Wilson had a good comment to my post yesterday on the State Board of Elections verifying voter’s citizenship status. His comment is at the bottom of this post.
Yes Art, believe it or not the SBOE asked. in their letter to the 637 registered voters who have a “Legal Presence” indicator in their DMV record, if the voter was a citizen by birth or by naturalization and if by naturalization the date of naturalization.
Then they asked the voter if they had documentation to prove their United States Citizenship and they asked the voter to “use the space below to list or describe the documentation.”
(My comment) The voter was not asked to provide the documentation.
Next they wrote “If you are not a citizen please complete this section to be removed as a voter”
(My question): Will these 637 individuals be reported to the proper authorities if they were registered to vote illegally?
Art Wilson Comment:
I am curious as to the form sent out by the BOE confirming (or no) the citizenship status of the voters with “Legal Presence” on their DMV record. I would hope it is more than checking the Yes square on the “Are you a citizen of the United States of America”. This totally inadequate, if so.
I am trying to get our legislators to understand that photo ID is important for voting but HOW YOU QUALIFY FOR THE ID is the first order of business.
I am campaigning for legislation that requires a birth certificate or pass port in addition to the photo ID to vote. It will probably be a major battle, I ned all the help I can get. Thank you for all that you do for our state.
NC already has a non driver ID available from the drivers license bureau. It takes a lot of proof to get one with little money. We do not need an additional ID for voting, we simply need a valid proof of ID similar to (Exactly like) the Georgia law requiring voting ID.