In the Spirit of Black History Month, this coalition, understands, that in North Carolina you cannot talk about education and education reform without talking about race and politics, It is our hope that by uniting together in support for education for all and for all quality education models, that we begin to bridge the gaps that have far too often hindered us – black versus white students, Democrat versus Republican, traditional schools versus non-traditional schools.”
Those were the words of State Representative Rodney Moore (D-Mecklenburg) at a news conference yesterday where eight black legislators – all Democrats – voiced their support for charter schools and school voucher programs.
The, news conference organized by Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina offered the opportunity for legislators to say they both support traditional public schools and they believe parents should have the opportunity to choose the school that best meets the needs of their child.
The press conference was also an opportunity for legislators to stand up for programs that are immensely popular in the black community.
A recent Civitas Poll found that black voters strongly support school choice programs. For example, 80 percent of black voters favor the Opportunity Scholarship Program, while 74 percent of Black voters polled favor or strongly favor charter schools. In addition, 76 percent of Black voters polled agreed with the statement, “State lawmakers need to do more to expand educational options for families.” For access to poll information and cross-tabs see here.
The problem is with accountability … not choice …. NCCivitas portrayal of this issue is simply a wolf in lamb’s clothing.
George- I think your issue is with the 8 black Democratic lawmakers…..and the tens of millions of minority parents who are demanding school choice.