The U.S. Senate today confirmed the nomination of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Secretary of Education. Vice President Mike Pence broke a deadlocked Senate (50-50) and gave DeVos the needed 51 votes for confirmation.
DeVos’s support for charter schools and vouchers has given hope to many in the education reform and school choice movement. Her efforts have also made her a lightning rod for liberal activists who waged a heated campaign to that questioned her credentials and feared that her policies would damage the public schools. While two Republican senators (Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Miurkowski of Alaska) opposed the DeVos nomination, opponents ultimately failed in their bid to defeat the nomination.
Congratulations Betsy DeVos! You weathered the onslaught. Now is time to begin, the work of improving America’s schools and improving educational opportunity for all children.
Celebration? Credentials? …. about the same as NCCivitas education experience credentials.