Civitas board member and conservative author Garland Tucker writes in Real Clear Policy about his concerns regarding so-called limited government conservatives in Congress: As ... Keep Reading
Betsy DeVos
Lessons From the Irish, Why the Left Hates Betsy DeVos, & Being a Social Justice Warrior
The Weekend Muse | Brooke Medina Why Progressives Hate Betsy DeVos North Carolina writer and book author, Bruce Ashford, hits the nail on the head when it comes to why so many ... Keep Reading
Who’s Really For Sale?
School choice critics claim that choice puts students up “for sale” But big businesses profit handsomely from the government education establishment, often as a result from ... Keep Reading
DeVos hits a home run at Harvard
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos delivered an excellent speech on school choice last week at Harvard University. The speech -- applauded by school choice advocates but largely ... Keep Reading
ECCI Results and Betsy Devos: Made for Each Other
Last week the Brookings Institution released results of The 2016 Education Choice and Competition Index. As stated in a Brookings press release, ECCI “is an annual guide to the ... Keep Reading
Enemies of Public Education? A Smear with No Basis in Truth
Liberals aim to shut down discussion on education reform by calling opponents “enemies of public education” How we talk about public and private doesn’t match with how the terms ... Keep Reading
DeVos outside mainstream? Poll shows strong support for more school choice in NC
Since her nomination as President Trump’s selection to lead the Department of Education the Left has painted Betsy DeVos as dangerous to public education and outside the ... Keep Reading
DeVos nomination confirmed by Senate
The U.S. Senate today confirmed the nomination of Betsy DeVos as U.S. Secretary of Education. Vice President Mike Pence broke a deadlocked Senate (50-50) and gave DeVos the needed ... Keep Reading
DeVos confirmation hearing; the Left picks a big fight
One of the most hopeful signs of the incoming Trump administration has been the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education. As many of you know, De Vos has spent much ... Keep Reading