The Republican lead State House is hoping to pass a compromise Voter ID bill that will allow voters to use utility bills and bank statements to identify themselves at the polls. We can only assume Republican leaders are trying to pacify their base (who believe that voter photo ID is needed to ensure honest elections) while dodging the liberal left’s rage – the compromise could backfire on both accounts.
The state of Virginia recently compromised on voter ID legislation and ended up with a very weak voter ID bill that looks a lot like the one North Carolina’s Republicans are proposing. This article by J. Christian Anderson explains that, “compromise cannot purchase peace from voter fraud deniers.” Anderson writes;
“Make no mistake, the voter fraud deniers and election integrity opponents aren’t interested in compromise. They seek only victory. Victory means stopping every single proposal that involves ensuring lawful elections. No amount of compromise will ever satisfy them. They will still resort to attacks against proponents of election integrity who just finished compromising with them.”
We should remember that during the 2011 session, before HB 351 was passed, North Carolina’s House Republicans attempted a compromise that failed when the Black Caucus ” criticized any bill “that would require voters to show an ID, photo or not.” As in 2011, today the Democrats “in negotiations” with the House Republicans are already backing away from any type of ID requirement saying that it is “unnecessary because fraud cases are relatively few compared to the number of voters.”
Two questions:
1. If the Republicans are “successful” and get a compromise voter ID bill passed into law; will the legislature revisit the need for real election reform in the form of a valid photo ID in the next session?
2. Do we really need another bad election law on the books?
We live in the United States of America and even as citizens we must and should be willing to completely identify ourselves as citizens of this remarkable country. No, I.D. NO VOTE, PERIOD. Get over yourselves and your bickering and pass a law that actually prevents non-citizens, aliens whatever you want to call them from voting. It’s bad enough that these people receive benefits that they are not only NOT entitled to, but now they want to vote in our elections too. They want Obama in because he doesn’t require that these people get up off of their asses and work like the rest of us have done over our lifetimes. He is willing to give away what these people have not worked for, but then again neither has he so it follows a pattern.