As the current budget "crisis" unfolds in Raleigh, many are shocked and surprised by some of the developments that have unfolded. They wouldn't be if they followed this blog or the research provided at
For starters, I wrote about how the Governor and Senate were using overly optimistic revenue projections to balance their budget proposals. As I wrote back in early April:
proposal projects a hopeful 1.6 percent increase in tax revenue for 2009-10
compared to current year collections. Given double-digit unemployment and
continued economic stagnation, such a prediction is likely overly optimistic.
By early May, the revised revenue estimates proved me correct.
Secondly, analysis of state employee obligations as a share of the budget revealed that deeper payroll cuts will be inevitable in order to balance the coming year's budget. As I wrote ten days ago:
likely just the beginning. Extended mandatory furloughs, across the board pay
cuts or substantial layoffs are likely on the horizon”
Today's N&O article, which summarizes some highlights from the House's education budget draft, vindicates that notion.
teaching assistants in third-grade classrooms, saving about $130million.
The budget would cut about 350 social workers, guidance counselors, and media
coordinators for a savings of about $21.5million, and 188 assistant principals
to save $17.6million.
Teachers and other school staff would be furloughed, creating most of the
Lastly, I blogged just a couple of days ago about the predictable reaction coming from those who will be aghast at the thought of their program receiving less money than expected.
Expect the phrase "draconian cuts" to be thrown about frequently.
True to form, today's N&O article included this passage:
The N.C. Association of Educators was horrified by the proposal. In a statement,
President Sheri Strickland called it "dangerous and draconian."
You might want to try and check this out. High intelligence young men who are failing in the public or private school systems.