This is how voter impersonation works. If these men had not refused the ballots, they would have voted without ever being detected. How do we know this isn’t happening in every election in North Carolina?
We don’t.
I can hear the echos of the opponents of voter ID this year – Voter ID is a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist…
The first requirement to vote is to be a citizen of the US. You cannot disenfranchise a non-citizen. So FIRST prove citizenship, THEN demand photo ID as proof of who you are, where you live, etc. This isn’t about cashing a check, getting a library card or medical service. It is about showing you are qualified to exercise the privilege of choosing who will control your life and your property. Many people gave their life for this right and we spit on their sacrafice and treat it like going to the mail box.
Some of the deceased people were in their 90’s!!!
As a native of Madison County, N C and having a late Uncle as a member of the Zeno Ponder Political Machine I know very well how the system operated for many years and even now the remaining remnants of that empire continue to maintain a tremendous influence on N C’s Executive Branch including the State Elections System! I also operated a General Mdse. Country Store in Madison County for 28years in addition to a 20year career in the Executive Branch of State Government. In that capacity I was well versed in the Political County Key System and it’s tenacious reach into every County in N C.
R L Clark
N C State Senator
And those people need to be prosecuted… they … they broke the law.. punish them
Thank goodness for people who step up to expose the weaknesses in an outdated system -the voting process in so many states – including North Carolina. It is time to step into the 21st century with commonsensical security updates (including voter verification). And, for those voters who do not have identification – its time we make sure they get it.