Visit NC Vote Tracker and you will see that, as of yesterday, 3,646 voters have already voted in the Second Primary (Election Day 7/17/12). On NC Vote Tracker you will see voter turnout in your Congressional and House and Senate Districts and even in your precinct.
So far, voting is heaviest in Mecklenburg County (636 voters), followed by Wake (380) and Guilford (270). More Republicans (1,803) have voted – compared to Democrats (1,348) and Unaffiliated voters (495). Farmville A and B precincts in Pitt County lead the way in voting with 72 and 63 votes cast respectively.
At this time all votes have been cast by mail, but one-stop voting begins tomorrow (6/28, 12). Call your county board of elections office to see where you can vote early for this election.
Here is a list of the contests and candidates that will appear on ballots around North Carolina.
Second Primaries have been ordered and will be held July 17, 2012: |
US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 9 – REP (Jim Pendergraph, Robert Pittenger) |
US HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 11 – REP (Mark Meadows, Vance Patterson) |
NC LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR – REP (Dan Forest, Tony Gurley) |
NC COMMISSIONER OF INSURANCE – REP (Richard Morgan, Mike Causey) |
NC COMMISSIONER OF LABOR – DEM (Marlowe Foster, John C. Brooks) |
NC SECRETARY OF STATE – REP (Kenn Gardner, Ed Goodwin) |
NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 12 – REP (Don Davis, Ronald Rabin) |
NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 21 – DEM (Billy R. King, Robert B. Clark III) |
NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 41 – REP (Jeff Tarte, John Aneralla) |
NC STATE SENATE DISTRICT 44 – REP (Chris Carney, David Curtis) |
NC HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 6 – REP (Mattie Lawson, Arthur Williams) |
NC HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 32 – DEM (Nathan Baskerville, Jim Crawford) |
NC HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DISTRICT 109 – REP (Wil Neumann, Dana Bumgardner) |
Where can I find the info on each candidate and their Bio/Record?
Betty, Thanks for your question. I would suggest you search the web or go to the political party’s for Bio Info. Here is a link to the Civitas Survey page:
Before the Primary the Civitas Institute mailed surveys to Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Council of State, and NCGA candidates. We hoped this effort would allow those seeking elected office an opportunity to communicate their views on important policy issues and help voters make informed decisions at the polls.
Here is another link to the Civitas Action Legislative rankings. The link takes you to the 2011 legislators page where you can click on a legislator and see how he voted on key bills. You can also click on earlier years to find the votes and rankings for the legislators during different legislative sessions.