This article in the Winston-Salem Journal tells the truth about the election/voting process in North Carolina. I am sure poll workers in every county can relate to these charges.
But, predictably “State elections officials have told the local board they see no election-law violations among the multitude of accusations.”
“One allegation concerns address verification cards sent in early 2009 to many WSSU students — up to 400, according to some. Many of the cards were undeliverable but weren’t returned by the university postal system until December 2009 — after the primary and general elections.”
“However, elections officials said seven other cards confirming new voters’ registration were returned in December, and those voters did cast ballots. Elections officials said Monday the seven may have just moved.”
In the 2008 General Election, more than 8,000 people (statewide) registered, voted and had their votes counted only to have their voter cards returned undeliverable (meaning they didn’t live where they said they did). In explaining this, the State Board of Elections also said these voters may have just moved…
How do they know where these people moved when they don’t even know who they are?
You aint seen nothing until have seen the crooked goings on here in Cabarrus County.