The Republicans in the State House and State Senate promised to pass voter photo ID legislation in the first 100 days of the 2011 session – they have moved one step closer to their goal.
Republicans have voted the Voter Photo ID legislation (House Bill 351) out of the House Committee on Elections. The bill is now headed to the House Committee on Appropriations before moving to the full House for a vote in the coming weeks.
As expected, the vote to give a favorable report to House Bill 351 went along party lines – 18 Republicans voted for the bill while 14 Democrats voted against. Though this vote and probably all subsequent votes on voter ID legislation will probably follow the party line, it is anything but a partisan issue to the voters of North Carolina.
In poll after poll, national and state, the voters overwhelmingly support voter photo ID legislation in order to protect the integrity of our elections. A Civitas Poll conducted in December 2010 showed that an amazing 84% of North Carolina voters favored legislation that would require voter photo ID. 96 percent of Republicans, 86 percent of Unaffiliated voters and 73 percent of Democrats support a voter photo ID to vote.
We need voter ID!!
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There is NO DOUBT that Voter ID SHOULD be required.. As a voter and candidate for sheriff in Washington County, NC – it cost me nearly $10,000.00 in attorney fees to prove that voter fraud occurred in the November 2010 election. We were able to get a new election but had to fight our local board of elections and county attorney every step of the way.. The State Board of Election did grant a new election to be held May 24, 2011 but it cost me big time to get it done.. Most voters or candidates can not or will not spend that kind of money nor should they have too. Again if Voter ID had been required the whole matter could have been prevented. I would have won the election, no voter fraud would have occurred and no new election would have been necessary.. Feel free to contact me though my website if you want specifics.
I have worked the polls. We need a photo ID.
Are the dems so afraid they will never win again without cheating? This topic is a
I have to present photo ID to cash a check and get cash back; to board a commercial airliner; to obtain a US passport; to open a charge account in a department store; when being pulled by any law enforcement officer; and a hundred other routine times during the course of my life. Why would anybody object to proving who they are, before being allowed to vote?