It sounds as if Jay Delancy of Voter Integrity Project (VIP) was a bit disappointed after the hearing at the Wake County Board of Elections yesterday. You will remember that VIP had discovered hundreds of “citizens” who claimed to be citizens when they registered to vote and then claimed to be non-citizens when they were called to jury duty in Wake County. VIP compared the list they received from the Wake County Clerk of Court’s office and matched, to the best of their ability, the names to voters on the rolls. They then challenged the voter registrations of those people who said they were not citizens to the jury summons and said they were citizens on the voter registration form.
Delancy admitted to being frustrated – and who could blame him?
Laura Leslie (a reporter from WRAL) asked Delancy, “Sir doesn’t the law say that they have to presume (because it’s a constitutional right to vote) they have to presume that these people that they are legit unless there is proof they are not?” Delancy replied, “If someone provides a document to the clerk of court that they are not a citizen – to me that is proof, but obviously to this board, (Wake County Board of Elections) it is not.
When asked by another reporter, “Why should the average voter (who is a citizen) be concerned about what’s going on? Delancy answered; “The average voter should be afraid because we have a lot of people walking around North Carolina right now who are not citizens who are registered to vote (we just found a few of them) and the board of elections has made it clear they want to take them on the voter roll – I fear for our elections .”
No doubt, speaking on behalf of that the State Board of Elections, Bob Hall interrupted Delancy’s interview by saying “You have wasted the taxpayer’s time.” Hall is Director of the ultra-liberal advocacy group Democracy NC and works closely with the State Board of Elections. He admonished Delancy for researching the voter rolls to find people who are registered illegally and proceeded to suggest possible scenarios as to why the people in question might not be illegal voters.
Hall finally exited Delancy’s interview by saying that “I agree with you, we don’t want citizens to be voting.” (Hall frequently resorts to silliness when he is talking to someone with whom he disagrees) Outside of the State Board of Elections, only the old liberal media look to Bob Hall for his opinions. Hall should read NCGS 163-85, he would see that the statute reads: Any registered voter of the county may challenge the right of any person to register, remain registered or vote in such county. Reporters like Laura Leslie like to call Hall a watchdog, but really he is just a lapdog for the liberal left and funders like George Soros and even Capitol Broadcasting’s Chairman, Jim Goodmon – reporter Leslie’s boss.
North Carolina’s voter rolls are a mess. Non-citizens populate the voter list along with the deceased and absolutely no law prevent them from voting. VIP is doing their best to identify names that should not be on the rolls, both dead and non-citizens. You see, they must do this work, because the State Board of Elections will not and in doing this work VIP has emabarrased Gary Bartlett, Director of the State Board of Elections – that is why Bob Hall popped into the interview.
And on that note – there is some good news – it looks like the work VIP has done in several counties to identify deceased voters has shamed the Board of Elections into at least looking like they are attempting to look for the deceased in the rolls. I received the email below yesterday – it’s from the State Board of Elections to the County Board’s Directors. The email directs the counties to work with a new audit report to identify voters who have died and should be removed. (The list consists of people who died between 2002 and August 2012).
VIP is making a difference and you can too, don’t let bullies like Bob Hall stop you.
Thank You Civitas for your work in voter fraud. This is much needed in today’s atmosphere where many illegal aliens vote with no problems as urged by the left wing liberals..
Thanks for highlighting our struggles, Susan. I wonder why Bartlett went all the way back to 2002 with those deaths. If they had been doing their job already, he would only need to go back the past two years!