An open letter from Mike Adams: Dear University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors (BOG): I am writing you today for two reasons. First, I wish to congratulate you ... Keep Reading
board of governors
UNC cuts ties with Poverty Center
Well it happened. Despite the disruptions of two dozen protestors, today the UNC Board of Governors (BOG) voted to accept the recommendation of a BOG working group and ... Keep Reading
Board of Governors group recommends closing UNC Poverty Center
Yesterday, after months of review, a UNC Board of Governors working group recommended the closing of three UNC Centers or Institutes, including the UNC Center on Poverty and Work, ... Keep Reading
UNC BOG – Move Ahead With Center Review
A University of North Carolina Board of Governor’s working group has spent months reviewing more than 225 centers in the UNC system. Looking to cut $15 million from a budget, the ... Keep Reading
BOG Review is much needed
I'd like to add a few different thoughts to Brian Balfour's blogpost on the BOG Review. First let's recognize that recent press accounts tell us the Board of Governors review ... Keep Reading