The battle over free speech at colleges continues, but things may be looking up, professor and writer Mike Adams said in his recent talk at the Icon Lecture Series. We at ... Keep Reading
mike adams
Mike Adams: Why Silly Campus Stunts Are Serious Business
Radical campus protests may seem aimless to many But the protestors have a clearly understood goal Cultural Marxism seeks to destroy traditional institutions of Western ... Keep Reading
College Leftists May Have Overplayed Their Hand
On March 2, a violent leftist mob at Middlebury College kept one of the nation’s most distinguished writers and researchers from speaking. Is that a bad omen for freedom – or have ... Keep Reading
Mike Adams Explains How Campuses Nurture Cultural Marxism
Today's "What Matters in North Carolina" podcast features one of the most articulate and outspoken conservatives in the state, or the nation for that matter: Dr. Mike Adams, ... Keep Reading
December 2015 Civitas Newspaper
This edition reviewed 2015, looked at the real costs of "free" federal money, school choice, education saving accounts, who might be using which school locker rooms, what college ... Keep Reading
Mike Adams: Ross Firing may De-Politicize UNC
An open letter from Mike Adams: Dear University of North Carolina (UNC) Board of Governors (BOG): I am writing you today for two reasons. First, I wish to congratulate you ... Keep Reading
What’s life at state U. really like?
Parents of soon-to-be college students are always looking for an unvarnished look of what life is really like at many big state universities. Let's face it; the glossy brochures ... Keep Reading