Last night Wake County Commissioners approved a whopping 10 percent property tax hike on residents, a rate even higher than that recommended by the county manager. From the ... Keep Reading
The Equality Act, urban policy, and remembering the fallen
The Equality Act is gaining more ground than it has in previous Congresses. Who stands to lose from such a piece of legislation? Well, quite a few Americans, actually. We'll ... Keep Reading
House Proposes Its Own Bond Referendum
Budget negotiations on Jones Street have been eerily quiet for weeks, but late yesterday came news that the N.C. House is offering up a $2.8 billion bond plan, mostly dedicated to ... Keep Reading
Let Voters Decide on Raleigh Debt
Robert Orr, former state Supreme Court justice, and executive director of the N.C. Institute for Constitutional Law, recently penned this article for the Raleigh N&O regarding ... Keep Reading