The Equality Act is gaining more ground than it has in previous Congresses. Who stands to lose from such a piece of legislation? Well, quite a few Americans, actually. We'll ... Keep Reading
urban policy
Given higher taxes and property restrictions, can NC conservatives make inroads with urban voters?
Anybody who glances at the electoral map for recent presidential elections will notice that the Democrat candidate racks up their votes in urban America. In comparison, there are ... Keep Reading
More on the Growing Urban Rural Divide
Undoubtedly, we will continue to hear a lot about the growing urban-rural divide in North Carolina and across the nation. We've seen it continually in our electoral presidential ... Keep Reading
Rural-Urban Divide, Transageism, Voter ID, and the White House Press Room
Perhaps one key takeaway from the results of the 2018 midterms is the growing divide between rural and urban communities. With activists in some quarters making a push to eliminate ... Keep Reading