Oct. 9, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Demi Dowdy (919) 834-2099 demi.dowdy@nccivitas.org Civitas Poll Highlights State's Views of Trump, Hillary, Other Candidates ... Keep Reading
presidential race
Civitas Poll: Walker Leads Selected GOP Hopefuls
The most recent Civitas Flash Poll shows Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker with a lead among likely North Carolina Republican primary voters in a survey of selected candidates for the ... Keep Reading
Civitas’ May Statewide Presidential Poll: The Voters Speak
Keep your eye on Civitas Review and our home page for a complete report of verbatim responses from NC voters. You won't want to miss it! During the month of May, Civitas ... Keep Reading
Civitas Poll: In Potential Matchup, Texas Gov. Rick Perry Ahead of Obama
Raleigh, N.C. – Texas Republican Gov. Rick Perry leads Barack Obama 45 percent to 42 percent among North Carolina voters in a potential presidential matchup, according to a new ... Keep Reading