Last month, union bosses from the AFL-CIO came together at a major convention in Los Angeles to discuss the future of organized labor in the United States. There they unveiled a ... Keep Reading
Protest Review: Don’t “Occupy” This May Day March
The drumming has subsided, the megaphones can be heard no more—the aftermath of North Carolina Student Power’s MayDay march has settled, leaving a trail of, well, not much. In our ... Keep Reading
No Free Lunch, or Education
A group of protestors stopped by our office today. It was funny how they mimic the Sixties in their protests, though the times are far different. I was in college back then. ... Keep Reading
Setting the Record Straight: Indy Week Lies about Civitas Lunch with Art Pope
What’s a journalist to do when he doesn’t have a story? Apparently, if you’re with Indy Week, you’re supposed to make one up. That’s what Bob Geary did after the Civitas Poll ... Keep Reading
Occupy Raleigh Abandons Camp
Occupy Raleigh packed up most of their camp near Edenton Street in Raleigh, N.C. on Sunday. The camp had been used by the movement since November. According to one occupier ... Keep Reading
Communists and Socialists Protest Educational Freedom Outside Civitas
The John W. Pope Civitas Institute had a crowd of 60-70 protesters from Raleigh F.I.S.T. gather outside its office around 4:30 PM today. They denounced our group and even went so ... Keep Reading
HEAT Asking the Wrong Question
HEAT is upset because in their mind, the Wake County School Board is enforcing socioeconomic segregation. What one believes about the board's decision ultimately comes down to ... Keep Reading
Black Man with a Gun Spotted in Greensboro
httpv:// A video hit youtube on Saturday, October 17th that shows an incident from Greensboro that involved abortion, guns, your rights and ... Keep Reading